
About Me


My name is Stephanie, and welcome to my journal. Before I get started about why I decided to start writing here, let me introduce myself a little bit: I am a student, a daughter, a friend, and an Aggie.
I was sitting in the corner of Evan's library having a quiet time and watching the rain pitter-patter on the ground, when I was inspired by Doug Bender's Live Second: 365 Ways to Make Jesus First to write a blog. Not so that I would get a sense of publicity or internet fame, but instead to share my walk with Christ and how he has been working in my life. I've decided that as I go through Bender's book, I will write an entry regarding my thoughts and how I will apply what I'm learning to my day to day life.

Then you ask (maybe you're not, but I'm assuming you are), what does Christ and this whole idea of Jesus mean to you? What do you believe? I believe that God sent his one and only son, Jesus, to die for my sins. Through his death, I have been redeemed. Through God's grace and mercy, I will no longer be condemned and shamed. Instead, I will be loved and treasured forever by him like no other. 

To me, God is love. God is grace. God is mercy. I put my faith in him because I trust him and know that through him I will be saved and will have eternal life. He has a purpose for me on this Earth and all I need to do is follow his lead. Although there will be trials and tribulations along my journey, they will all be used to strengthen my faith and my relationship with Jesus Christ. During those times (and every time), all I have to do is look to the Father, because he is for me, and he is with me.

All I need to do is TRUST him.

In my life, Jesus comes FIRST.

I saw the Lord always before me. 
Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. 
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; 
my body will also live in hope, 
because you will not abandon me to the grave, 
nor will you let your Holy One see decay. 
You have made known to me the paths of life; 
you will fill me with joy in your presence.
~ Acts 2:25-28

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